Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hot Dogs.... Who knew???

I had this HORRIBLE smell coming from my fridge over the weekend. I had no idea what it was coming from. But everytime the fridge got opened,

OH, the SMELL!!!

I thought it might be the bowl full of tomatoes that got pushed to the back of the shelf. So I threw those out. Julie thought it was the tomatoes in the crisper. She threw those out.

But the smell persisted.

I refused to think it was the pork cubes I had just bought on Thursday. When I opened the pork to make dinner last night, THAT is exactly what it was!!!

I was not happy. My older kids had places to be. I needed dinner on the table soon. So I grabbed a couple of packages of hot dogs. I wasn't going to let the kids see what I was doing but when they saw me slicing hot dogs they wanted to know what was for dinner.

At first I wouldn't tell them.

But I've made this particular meal enough that just looking at the ingredients they knew what I was making. I told them I was using "Poor-Man's pork".

They were a little hesitant, as was I.

The consensus was......

They liked the "Poor-Man's pork" better than the plain pork cubes. They said it added more "zing" to the flavor of the meal. Even the Hubby liked the change.

Hot Dogs......Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. It is fun to read about others adventures. You have a darling family! Funny how they resemble each of your siblings in some way.
