Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring, Where art thou????

I know in posting this blog I will receive several groans from you out there who are still sitting under inches if not feet of snow. But I have to say if the air is cold I would rather have snow on the ground to remind me that it is still winter. And also so my children know that it's cold outside. They think that if the sun's out that it's warm enough to go out and play, (sometimes without a coat) even if the thermostat only reads in the mid 30's.

Today was one of those days. Where the sky is a beautiful blue that makes you long for spring. But without the "Utah" winter coat and a sweater, you end up freezing on the trip between the house and the car. Ironically, by the end of this week Mr. Hinken, our favorite weatherman, says that temps will be more like spring. Does that mean that I can put away the turtleneck sweaters and knee length socks for short sleeve shirts and sandals???

Don't hold your breathe.

In East Tennessee it is not uncommon for the weather to show 3 different seasons in one week. So, I'll keep those sweaters close by and look longingly at the sandals that my feet can't wait to get into. And keep telling my kids that if the weather says 70, THEN they can wear capris. I just hope spring hurries, as all the kids are either wearing out or growing out of their winter things. And my outdoor loving kids are itching to play outside without jackets, coats or shoes for that matter. Spring needs to come and stay.

I'm sure you all feel the same.

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