Yesterday, I decided to pull the family calendar off the wall and add all the things that are now a part of our schedule for the next month.
I could not believe the things that we have going on. One day alone included, play practice, colorguard, preschool, a doctor's appointment, and baseball practice. Just about everyone had something that day. I can't wait until summer gets here.
Wait, did I just say that?? Because with 7 children all at home, all day long..... UGH!!!
It's not that I don't love my kids, I just get tired of all the mess that come with having everyone home.
All day.
I get tired of the fights over whose turn it is to play the computer, who hasn't practiced their piano, who's watching TV and shouldn't be, and the biggest one: "Mom, I'm bored".
This phrase at our house isn't said often because with it comes an "I'm bored job". What is an "I'm bored job"?? It's all those jobs that don't get done on a weekly basis at our house. It could include, washing walls, scrubbing baseboards, or vacuuming the cars.
Although, this backfired on us one time.
Janelle, our oldest of the oldest, one day said she was bored. So I handed her a cleaning rag and told her she had to wipe down all the baseboards. It wasn't too long after that she came to me and said she was done and that "that was easy". Well, her dad heard her comment and gave her another job: vacuuming the cars. So, she went at it. And after she was done she made the comment that " it was fun".
I guess if Janelle says she's bored this summer, her "bored" job can be watching the youngest ones.
Outside. (I think it has been confirmed that this is her least favorite thing to do.)
My husband suggested that maybe instead of the office size calendar that we currently have on the wall that we should invest in making our own wall size one. Then maybe on those crazy days when it seem like everyone has something going on, we can at least mark it all on the calendar. Along with that, maybe we can make a running list of all the "I'm bored jobs" that could be done this summer.
Please let me know if I'm not the only one whose calendar is overflowing with activity. I'd also welcome any ideas on those "bored" jobs.
La Salvation
3 years ago